Every cancer diagnosis is unique, every journey is different, every family dynamic varies, but everyone feels anxious, scared, stressed and worried throughout their journey. Whether it’s your journey, or someone you care for, the stress and anxiety levels can be equally at the forefront of your day.

The team at Therapy on Wheels know about this first hand, and they also know how important it is for your overall health to maintain your mental wellbeing. When you’re feeling stressed or anxious your physical health suffers, your work or school life suffers, and your relationships suffer.
Seeing that this was a recurring problem in returned soldiers, especially in those who had seen high levels of combat in the first world wars, the military started to employ high adrenaline activities to assist in dealing with PTSD and shellshock.
An adrenaline rush increases endorphins, and forces a higher oxygen production throughout your body, causing you to feel sharper, fitter and stronger while providing you with the ability to combat feelings of anxiety and depression.
The Whole Family
Many cancer support networks focus on helping the cancer patient through their journey, providing support groups and support services. But there is an extended family who are also going through this journey. While they are not physically inflicted with cancer, they are still going through the mental and sometimes physical stresses involved with the diagnosis of someone close to them.
Caring for someone, or feeling helpless while you watch a relative or friend go through cancer can cause a huge amount of stress, with the added burden of feeling that you don’t have the “right” to complain or ask for help. Many carers actually suffer from a higher stress level than the person they are caring for, resulting in serious health implications from not dealing with it.
Benefits Help Everyone
The benefits of the Therapy on Wheels racing passenger ride isn’t simply for the passenger. Sure, they get the adrenaline rush which in turn improves their general wellbeing, but by relieving their stress and anxiety levels, their friends and family also receive the benefits.